Life Therapy Counseling Services

Of exceptional interest not only to general audiences but to all mental health professionals and students.    . . . Fancher's tone is so calm and persuasive that I think even loyalists will be able to hear his argument.
Carol Tavris, Ph.D., author, The Mismeasure of WomanAnger: The Misunderstood Emotion, and others

. . . a landmark book . . . finely reasoned and far-ranging . . .
The Library Journal

These analyses are both thorough and penetrating. . . . The appendix, `Implications for Choosing or Changing a Therapist,’ is superb and would make this book worthwhile in and of itself.
Richard Lamb, Professor of Psychiatry, USC, in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)

It is hard to imagine an interested reader who would not want to argue furiously over one point or another. Nonetheless, it is equally hard to imagine the reader who wouldn’t consider Mr. Fancher a worthy and engaging opponent.
The New York Times Book Review

. . . expert dissection of American psychiatry and psychotherapy . . . masterly analysis of the pretensions and paradoxes of the various schools of psychotherapy.
"The New Scientist" (U.K.)

. . . a stimulating and controversial book . . .
Anthony Storr in Nature

. . . combines innovation, insight, and usefulness . . .
Journal of Religion and Health

. . . a major step toward clarification of the persistent, murky and wide-ranging issues that bedevil psychotherapeutic theory and practice. . . . Highly recommended.
Jerome D. Frank, Professor of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins, in The Journal of Nervous and Emotional Diseases

This book should be read and reflected on by all who have a serious interest in the present state of mental health care.
Elliot Valenstein, Professor of Neuroscience, University of Michigan

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search the web.

In 1995, W.H. Freeman & Company, the book-publishing division of Scientific American, published Cultures of Healing: Correcting the Image of American Mental Health Care.

After Scientific American sold the company, and then that company sold the company to another company, the book is now a Routledge book with a new title: Health and Suffering in America: The Context and Content of Mental Health Care.

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or call 971-212-2571.